Anderson Striping & Construction Inc. at Orange Cove High School Career Fair

At Anderson, we firmly believe in creating opportunities and shaping futures. Recently, we had the privilege of participating in a career fair event at Orange Cove High School in Orange Cove, California, where we had the chance to ignite curiosity and ambition in students.

As graduation approaches for seniors, we recognize the need to expose them to the diverse and promising construction industry landscape. Despite common misconceptions and stereotypes, we’re determined to break down barriers and showcase the numerous opportunities in this dynamic field.

One of our objectives is to dispel the myth that construction is a male-dominated industry. We’re committed to empowering young women to pursue careers in construction, whether on the job site or in administrative roles. By sharing the success stories of women in the industry, we aim to inspire confidence and ambition in every student, regardless of gender.

Moreover, we understand that the path to success isn’t always a straight line. That’s why we made it a point to showcase the variety of career paths available within construction, with or without a traditional education. There’s a place for everyone in this ever-evolving field, from skilled laborers and project managers to engineers. By offering insights into alternative education and training options, we hope to encourage students to explore unconventional pathways to success.

Above all, our goal was to kindle a passion for learning and discovery among all students, regardless of their background or prior knowledge of the construction industry. We aimed to foster a sense of curiosity and enthusiasm for the construction world by engaging them in hands-on activities and informative discussions.

Reflecting on our experience at Orange Cove High School, we’re reminded of the transformative power of education and mentorship. By investing in the next generation of construction professionals, we’re laying the foundation for a brighter and more inclusive future. Together, let’s continue to inspire and empower the leaders of tomorrow, one student at a time.